
Backyard Project Day-2

Louis, Donovan, and I threw all the trash bags over the fence and into the corner trash heap. We also moved all of the castoff ply wood to be thrown over fence at a later day and put all metal pipes under half-pipe. Also fandangled a table together to hold tools.

Backyard Project Day-1

We began by trying to remove all trash from entire area and stacked all wood castoff from the half-pipe. We stacked all the trash next to the fence so we could later throw it over to side walk and take to trash heap. Donovan and I did however throw an old moist grimy futon mattress over the fence when a man cried, "HEY! you almost threw that onto my baby!" We apologized and he kindly directed us to the corner trash heap.

DEEP SPACE Backyard Project

Finally upon arriving to Brooklyn to settle (!) Donovan, Louis, and I realized we had access to a large outdoor space behind our building (almost 1/2 a city block). Thus the backyard project began. The space was filled with an abundance of trash- so that is what we are working on first. I am going to chronicle the progress of our ambitious outdoor adventure.

Day-0 upon arrival


the proletariat, nostalgia, and contemporary protocol

The protocols of contemporary (fashionable) society are very unsettling. The differentiation of one pursuit (as in life 'goal' or 'occupation') as 'better' or more proper-- opposed to something deemed societally 'lower' is nonsensical. Besides the monetary pay grades arbitrarily assigned to various 'skills,' there is not much that separates 'us,' -- all innately and biological human. In this world moderated by such slick and cut-throat capitalistic gain, an altruistic act is so rare and special. Why have we become so detached from what we came/come from- in turn from each other?

The honey/beekeeping man ('Rick') at the farmers' market has a small cardboard sign-- on it written, 'do not confuse activity with progress.' (He proceeded to tell me that before the bees he was a computer salesman...). I find our 'kind' so detached from anything that is existentially substantive. The entire world applauds those who can slide down a hill fast (on man made metal attached to their feet) down a 'course' (that ravaged the ecosystem) and millions watch on the television while cheering, and 'approve.' Several evenings ago, I spoke to a 'bum' on the side of the road about 20th century literary theory and he gave me suggestions for lit theory reading...

How to dissimulate my indignation ??

Some 'ART' to contemplate in conjunction with contemporary ritual (based on Marino's lectures on globalism):

Zoe Leonard (photography):

Andreas Gursky (photography):

Santiago Sierra -relational antagonism- investigating inter-class/inter-cultural dynamics (controversial)

'Santiago Sierra has paid workers to do meaningless tasks, hired beggars to shine shoes at openings, and had the backs of prostitutes tattooed. Some say his art makes a powerful statement about economic inequities. Others say it's exploitation'


POST-PALINDROME digital archive

A collection of all the things I digitally hoard:

Greetings. I have made a simple web page to in order to digitally archive (digital networking is so integral to our contemporary condition, thus I hope to utilize these practices). I plan to post arts related materials among other musing- without the over stimulating quality of the facebook interface.